How do you follow up on Gangnam Style?
The new global face of the #1 games media team
What if London, New York, Dubai and every major city shared the same skyline?
Say goodbye to your mouse and keyboard – is “Leap” the future of device control?
IGN Middle East explains why its region could be the next blockbuster market for gaming
The Boat That Rocked – set sail or stay in port?
Q: Why are pirates called pirates?
A: Because they “Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrre”!
That, my friends, is one of my favourite jokes. I’m fully aware that this may undermine any right I have to sit in judgement of this comedy film, but I don’t care… More »
Trainspotting: Ultimate Collector’s Edition – Danny Boyle’s classic still resonates on Blu-ray
There was a time when an altogether more youthful version of the person writing this review believed that “heroin” meant “really brave lady”, and “smack” was what you got for hitting Rachel Sillett over the head with a broom handle at nursery. Ah, the sweet innocence of youth. More »
Review: Spielberg epic Saving Private Ryan finally reaches Blu-ray
Famous for it’s bloody portrayal of the D-Day landings in 1944, Spielberg’s classic has been a long time coming. Now it’s been released, glitch-free, and we’re left with the inevitable questions… More »
District 9 Blu-ray Review
A low budget indie from South African, produced by a New Zealander known for his high-budget antics, District 9 was the under-the-radar hit of 2009. Now it’s arrived on Blu-ray, and it seems to have lost none of its off-beat charms along the way. More »
Moon Blu-ray review – low budget science-fiction makes for high brow entertainment
It’s a big ball of cheese in the sky. What would happen, wondered first-time feature director Duncan Jones, if Aretha Franklin lived on it? She’d probably eat it all, he quickly concluded. So he put Sam Rockwell up there instead. You know, just to see what would happen. More »
Review: Is Monsters, Inc. a trick or treat on Blu-ray?
As a child, I was of the erroneous but firm belief that there was a large monster living under my bed called John. He was big and green, was married to a dragon called Elizabeth and they had six “puppies”. I’m serious. I was a strange kid. It’s a trip down memory lane for me, then, as Monsters Inc. comes creeping out from under the four-poster of Blu-ray obscurity. Will it hit the mark, or will it make me want to put that thing back where it came from? More »
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