

Essential Viewing: BBC’s Inside the Human Body

Not only does the first episode of this fascinating BBC docu-series feature these two fit twin divers (hey, it was either them or a picture of sperm), it also provides the most visually sophisticated account of what happens inside the human body, starting with how we’re born. It’s seriously amazing viewing you have to see.

A lot of it is based on up-to-the-minute research and discoveries (some of which you definitely never learned back in high school biology) - the whole thing is captivating from start to finish as the production team travel around the globe to bring us the kind of documentary masterclass the BBC’s well renowned for. 

Here’s a thought: did you know that part of you literally existed before your mother was ever born? Think that one through and then refer to the programme to figure it out, along with a few other mind-bending factoids.

This hour-long programme is awesome and now I’m gonna have to make time to watch the remaining episodes. Fortunately most of it appears to be on YouTube, so if you haven’t seen it, here’s the first episode in four parts to get you started.

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